DoorJammer - What’s in the box

Posted by DoorJammer on 4th Oct 2024

What’s in the box...

Do you love that feeling of opening something new? The excitement of breaking into a neat package and seeing the shiny contents? And then the feeling of discovering that in order for it to work you also need to get x/y/z? Well fear not, with DoorJammer and DoorJammer Lockdown everything you need really is in the box.

DoorJammer - What's in the box

When you purchase the original DoorJammer product you can trust that you will know exactly what’s in the box and no nasty surprises!

When your DoorJammer box arrives you will find 5 items neatly packaged inside.

  • DoorJammer - the device itself, just 108mm tall and weighing only 210g. It can be installed quickly and easily with the turn of a hand screw on the device - no extra tools required. Removal is just as simple; pull the handle up and DoorJammer can be lifted away.

  • Spacer Set - for extra security these wedges can be inserted above the door. 4 heights are included, handily kept together on a ring so you can be confident you’ll have one to fit.

  • Foot Accessory - DoorJammer fits under any door with a minimum clearance of 3mm. However, not all doors are the same and you may find your hotel room door has a bigger gap. No problem - use the extension foot to add extra height to your DoorJammer.

  • Plush Carry Bag - whether at home or travelling you can keep everything together by storing it all in this handy carry bag.

  • Instruction Manual - be prepared and follow the simple instructions at home to try out your DoorJammer before your next trip.

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What’s in the box?

  • DoorJammer
  • Plush Carry Bag
  • Foot Accessory
  • Spacer Set (4 Heights Included)
  • Instruction Manual

DoorJammer Lockdown - What's in the box

DoorJammer Lockdown is the larger more heavy duty version of our same patented security device, designed for schools and commercial use. Larger, but at still only 192mm tall and 810g

everything in the box for DoorJammer Lockdown is exactly the same as for the original DoorJammer. The only difference is that no foot accessory is needed.

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What’s in the box?

  • DoorJammer Lockdown
  • Plush Carry Bag
  • Spacer Set (4 Heights Included)
  • Instruction Manual

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DoorJammer - A tiny piece of kit for big peace of mind

The patented design of DoorJammer follows a simple concept to secure any inward swinging door, with or without a lock. Once in place, DoorJammer’s quality construction redirects force from outside of the door downwards and upwards, wedging DoorJammer firmly into the ground and the surrounding wall. This means any room can be made into a safe haven when needed.

The original DoorJammer and the Lockdown products are built to last and they are priced to be an affordable personal protection security device for everyone. Don’t risk your personal protection device failing in the moment you need it most just to grab a bargain – be sure that you are purchasing a genuine DoorJammer product.

DoorJammer is the only security device of its type that has achieved the police preferred specification SBD accreditation.

DoorJammer is a reliable portable personal security device for:

  • Home - Create a safe space in any room
  • Travel - Secure your hotel room
  • University - Secure your dorm room
  • Schools - Secure your classroom
  • Commercial Buildings - Secure your office
  • Welfare Officers - Provide security to staff visiting people’s homes

Don’t compromise on:

Secure Fit







