DoorJammer - The Portable Security Device

Posted by DoorJammer on 21st Jun 2023

DoorJammer - The Portable Security Device

DoorJammer - Portability

While on holiday in Mexico, product designer, von Saint, had to secure his hotel room door with a chair wedged against it. A bit tricky to fit in your suitcase or backpack, the chair evolved to become a more practical portable security device and the original DoorJammer was born.

What kind of traveller are you? Do you like to pack light with the bare minimum in a carry on or do you prefer to check in a suitcase containing ‘everything but the kitchen sink’? When it comes to packing your bags, space and weight are a key consideration so you may not have thought a portable security device was even an option. Until now...

No need to compromise on personal safety with the portable DoorJammer

When travelling for business or leisure, there is no guarantee your accommodation will always live up to your expectations. By being prepared and packing DoorJammer in your luggage then wherever you are, you will always be able to create a safe, secure place to stay.

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At just 108mm high (that’s shorter than your mobile phone), 40mm wide and 70mm deep and weighing only 210g, DoorJammer is less than half the weight and smaller in size than the average bottle of water - something we think nothing of grabbing at the airport and squeezing into our backpack. DoorJammer comes ready with a plush carry bag and it’s light, compact design means it can even go in your handbag or pocket!

Practical portability in every setting

DoorJammer Lockdown, the heavy duty version is designed for use in public facilities such as schools, offices or places of worship, turning a room instantly into a safe haven.

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You might think its strength would result in a heavy device that requires muscles to install, but following the same reliable design and quality construction, DoorJammer Lockdown weighs in at 810g, that’s less than two tins of beans. Still under 20cm in length it is light enough and small enough to be easily stored, placed and removed by anyone.

How does DoorJammer work?

DoorJammer is easy and quick to use. Simply insert the flat part under the door below the handle, twist the screw clockwise by hand until the foot is firmly against the floor and that’s it!

DoorJammer’s patented design works on the principle that any force applied outside the door is redirected down and up, wedging DoorJammer firmly into the ground and the surrounding wall.

To remove it, simply pull the handle up and lift DoorJammer away.

Portable, accredited, award winning security

DoorJammer is the only device for securing a door from the inside that has achieved the police preferred specification SBD accreditation.

So for peace of mind next time you’re going on a trip, ditch that extra pair of socks and pop your DoorJammer in your suitcase.

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Don’t compromise on:

Secure Fit









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What’s in the box?

  • DoorJammer
  • Plush Carry Bag
  • Foot Accessory
  • Spacer Set
    (4 Heights Included)
  • Instruction Manual

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DoorJammer Original for home and personal security

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DoorJammer Original for home and personal security

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DoorJammer Original for home and personal security

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DoorJammer Original for home and personal security

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